Snack for a Healthy Mind, Body, and Planet

An interview with VHFLC Quality Consultant Andre Dengo

Children who attend VHFLC after school and summer school programs receive a nutritious snack to help tide them over until dinner. What once was Cheetos, sugary fruit punch and cookies has evolved into carrot sticks, string cheese, and granola bars – from ingredients all locally sourced and sustainably grown. This dramatic transformation was the mission of VHFLC Quality Consultant Andre Dengo, who worked to research local companies that could provide the necessary tools to promote healthier snack options for VHFLC kids. His research led him to current VHFLC school-age snack provider, Fresh n' Local Foods.

We asked Andre if he could help shed some light on the changes to VHFLC snack policy – and how he believes it helps the organization and VHFLC children.

What provoked you to go through the process of changing VHFLC snack?
When I started learning more about nutrition, specifically sugar content, preservatives, non-organic and GMO food, it was a no brainer. This in conjunction with what I knew about sustainability practices and child growth/development led me to view a snack change as top priority.

How did you go about changing VHFLC snack?
I began by running it by executive director, Brenda Dengo, then by going to food shows and researching foods available to the childcare industry. I wanted to find products that were of the highest quality while still being budget-friendly. Fresh ‘n’ Local made sense to us because their affordable food helps support local businesses and emphasizes organic fruits and vegetables. They also deliver and sort bulk orders without extra costs, so we don’t have to deal with the fees we’d experience with larger companies like FSA.

What are the benefits of our current snack system?
Well the dominant one is that instead of eating sugary and preservative-rich foods like Oreos and Cheetos, our kids are eating locally sourced and sustainable grains, and organic produce. We’re in our second year of this now and by eliminating kids’ intake of harmful ingredients, we’re seeing reduced hyperactivity, increased focus, and less fluctuation in blood sugar levels. We’re also reducing common allergens by providing nut-free foods, for instance, so it's less often the case that we have to search for alternative snacks. Lastly, we’re reducing environmental impact by avoiding factory-made foods, and by encouraging healthy eating practices early, we’re increasing the likelihood that kids will maintain a healthy palate and welcome it into adulthood.

VHFLC operates one of the only school age programs in the area to offer healthy, locally sourced and sustainable snacks year-round. We are grateful to Fresh n' Local for helping us maintain this standard, and for helping us provide such tasty options!


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