Creston -- Repurposing Jars into Snow Globes!

At VHFLC, not only do we value the classic "three Rs of education" -- reading, wRiting and aRithmatic; but we also understand the immense importance of the more recently established three-R mantra: 'reduce, reuse and recycle'. 

Because we set out to "inspire the promise of tomorrow" (as has been VHFLC's slogan since its inception in '79), we do all in our power to help ensure that students look toward the future with a view to environmental responsibility and sustainable life practices. This can be seen in our summer camp programs, in our snacks from Fresh N' Local, and through our school-year curriculum that at times features environmental subjects and projects based on repurposing.

Katherine K., one of our teachers at Creston Elementary, decided to embark on one such 'trash-to-treasure' activity -- turning used jars into glimmering snow globes!

This craft only uses a handful of easily obtained materials, and can be performed simply at home. What better use for jars that might otherwise be discarded than to transform them into bespoke snow globes? (You can lessen the breakable factor too by opting for plastic instead of glass containers.)   Katherine was able to find bags of polar bear, snowman and penguin figurines for her students to glue onto their snow globe lids. With water and glitter to complete the picture, the room was soon teeming with mini joyous and festive wintery scenes!

The children loved the autonomy afforded to them by this project and had a great time getting their hands dirty to customize their globes. They learned a valuable lesson about the merits of reuse, and now have a little piece of the holiday season to take home and treasure for years to come! Check out our pics below to snag a closer look at the action...

Happy Holidays!


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