February and March Recap 2017

Vermont Hills has many different areas that we focus on.   For example our office staff maybe be working on outreach, our Early Childhood programs on experiments, and our school age on expression.  Today’s blog will be taking a look into 3 different programs and what they have been working on in the past few months.

On the weekend of February 18th-19Th, Vermont Hills was showcasing our programs with a booth at Kidsfest.  We were able to talk about our various different programs of ECE, Afterschool, and Camps for various ages.  We had a great turn out this year and were able to meet a lot of new families. 
There was also a craft for the children and parents.  We made a thaumatrope, which is an illusion craft.  It is made by having a picture present on both side of a circle and was attached to a skewer.   When the skewer is rolled in between the hands the two pictures appear to blend into one.

In our Early childhood education programs we have been pushing exploration with Steve’s Creature Feature.  He visited our St. Luke location this past week.  The classes saw some new and exciting animals, including some they had never seen before.   There were several types of snakes, lizards, a tortoise and caimen.   They were able to feel the scale and learn more about what these interesting animals need to survive.

In our Aftercare programs we are looking at Northplains’s site and their various art projects throughout this past month. 
Not only have they taken advantage of the sunnier days to create side walk art, they are also creating great art in the class room as well. 
Their days didn’t just stop there, they were active outside playing Basketball too. 

We hope your first day of Spring is going fantastic and that you check back in for more updates on everything that is happening here at Vermont Hills.


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