The Force is Strong at Buckman Elementary!

On a recent trip down to Buckman Elementary, we arrived just in time to see VHFLC teacher, Ed H. prepping his students for day 6 of a journey out of the classroom and into a galaxy far far away... a mental journey that is! In the form of a Jedi meditation training course.

Ed first expressed the value of learning how to focus on anything you want while effortlessly tuning out distracting sights and sounds. He demonstrated how learning simple stretching and breathing exercises can help young Jedi to achieve this focus, and to practice it throughout their lives. He also explained how learning how to pinpoint attention can help us develop mindfulness -- allowing oneself to turn off thoughts about the past or present in order to experience nothing but the sensations of the moment.

Carter F. or Obi-Wan Kenobi? Hard to tell...

As you can clearly see in the above image, student Carter F. seems to have achieved a state of deep relaxation –- something else aided by the practice of mindfulness... 

Following Ed's lesson in meditation, it seemed fitting to allow the students to test their abilities of focus in the physical realm too -- with a game of Jedi ball tag! All stretched out and ready to go, kids were asked to avoid making sounds or eye contact with those throwing the balls. By doing so and only focusing on the space around the ball thrower, these young space warriors were able to hone their periphery skills, allowing instinctual perception to take over and prevent them from being hit and stolen away to the dark side!

A great deal of fun was had, and by the end of the day, a number of valuable Jedi tricks were learned. Many thanks to Ed for coordinating this special exercise. In the wise words of Yoda, "do or do not, there is no try"!


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