"Families Around the World" training with Brenda Dengo Oct. 15, 2014

What is the meaning of a ‘family’ unit? How might that differ between cultures and people of varying backgrounds? How might that impact lifestyle or perspective? Our executive director, Brenda Dengo, helped illuminate the fascinating subject of family diversity for teachers who came to implement new ideas and knowledge into their classrooms and general philosophy.

In some cultures, we might view our father’s side of the family differently from our mother’s side, for example, while in other cultures there is no maternal/paternal distinction. The breadth of names used to identify family members, to categorize them, or to express our affection for them is endless, and so the various shapes a family could take are even more extensive. This is something vital to consider when catering to children of multiple backgrounds/cultures/experiences/etc.

So take a look at our pics of teachers getting some invaluable information (from Brenda and each other). By attending this non-mandatory training, teachers earned training hours towards a 1% pay increase. These trainings also help teachers meet CCD and CDA requirements. Free spots in trainings are often open to the public, so stay in touch and follow us on Facebook to keep abreast of fun learning opportunities! (What’s not to love about making your brain that much larger?) 

Till next time, Lauren and Chelsea.


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